Bolokada Conde is a djembe master drummer from Kissidougou, Guinea.
Moussa Bolokada Conde is a master drummer, expert of Malinke rhythms, and one of the world's best djembe players. He joined the Les Percussion du Guinee[1] to replace the legendary Momoudy Keita as their lead drummer. He has traveled and performed in major venues all over the world since 1996 and was featured in the IMAX movie PULSE: a Stomp Odyssey. Since 2004, he has been performing and teaching in the United States. He has conducted percussion workshops in many cities in the US and Europe. He has released two musical CD's, Morowaya and Sankaran, and is the subject of an upcoming documentary, Bolokada Conde- Malinke Village Djembefola. He was awarded immigrant status as an alien with extraordinary ability in the arts in 2007.
Since August 2008 he has been a Visiting Lecturer for the Robert E. Brown Center For World Music at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign: a position he will hold until May 2011. He is also the musical director and lead soloist of Ballet Waraba in North Carolina, Ballet Wassa-Wassa in Santa Cruz, California, and Les Percussion Malinke in the San Francisco Bay area.